Best of Shareware
Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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My Little Realm, v2.0
Public Library/sa
Shareware and Registration Information
Released: November, 1992
Thank you for your interest in My Little Realm's Public Library!
Public Library/sa is protected by copyright. It is not in the
public domain, and it is not freeware.
Public Library/sa is a Shareware product. You are entitled to use
it for thirty days without obligation to purchase it.
If you find you wish to keep Public Library/sa after the thirty day
evaluation period, please fill out the order form below and send
it in with your remittance. Your registered version will be mailed
to you promptly. Thank you.
Great reasons to buy My Little Realm's Public Library!
1 The registered version of Public Library/sa which lets
you retain all of your Historical records.
2 Free telephone support, you pay only for the phone call.
3 Free support by mail should you wish to use the U.S. Mail
service instead of the phone.
4 Free CIS support.
5 My heartfelt thanks for your integrity and your honesty.
Retail software vis a vis Shareware software.
You might read the greatest reviews of a retail program, spend
hundreds of dollars on said program, only to get it home to find out
it doesn't do what you thought it would do. You've already paid for
the product, you can't get your money back ... you're stuck. Unless
you can afford to buy another, you have to live with it.
Shareware is a marketing concept developed by software authors who
were tired of the "buy it and like it" attitude of retail software
distributors. With Shareware, you can actually try out a program
before you pay for it ... right on your own computer, with your own
computer system, just to make sure it meets your exact needs. If it
does, you send the purchase price to the author/company that wrote
it. If the Shareware program doesn't meet your needs, you simply
delete it from your system. All you've spent is a little time
testing it and the modest cost charged by the Shareware vendor.
The My Little Realm system consists of a number of stand-alone (sa)
programs that you can purchase separately if you desire.
Stand-alone Program Name Space Cost
Calling Cards Program . . . . . . 210K . . . . . . . $15
Charge Card Program . . . . . . . 300K . . . . . . . $15
Checking Program. . . . . . . . . 300K . . . . . . . $15
Private Library Program . . . . . 175K . . . . . . . $15
Public Library Program. . . . . . 175K . . . . . . . $15
Read More Program . . . . . . . . 250K . . . . . . . $15
Records of the Realm Program. . . 175K . . . . . . . $15
Savings Program . . . . . . . . . 175K . . . . . . . $15
If you have more than one of the above programs and you run them
from your hard disk, you should put them in the same directory. For
a description of all of these programs read DESCRIBE.TXT.
You can also purchase My Little Realm/the system which comes with
all of the above programs plus:
1. Main Menu. It allows you to change color modes and the
cursor blink rate, shell out to DOS, and invoke
MLR's own ScreenSaver ... all at the touch of a
button. It also gives you easy, single key
access to all of your MLR programs.
2. Utilities. My Little Realm comes with its own backup and
retrieval utilities. You can back up all of
your MLR files with the press of a single key.
And you can retrieve backed up files by simply
telling the Retrieval utility which MLR program
has a bad file. Retrieve will do the rest.
3. Documentation. MLR comes with its own text viewer so you
can view your help files online.
4. Common interface. MLR's programs are easy to learn, and
once you learn how to use one, you'll know how
to use them all because they all work much the
same way.
5 Review Routines. There are two review routines that let you
access your checking and charging files to see
how you've been spending your hard-earned money.
Both routines allow you to peruse your files on
a record by record basis, and you can query your
files to see how much you've spent in a specific
store or in a given situation. They also
generate a year-to-date summary of your records.
My Little Realm/the system requires 2 MB of hard disk space.
- My Little Realm Order Form -
Last: ___________________________ First: ________________ M.I. ___
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________________
State: ____________________________________ Zip: _________________
Home Phone: (________) _______________________ Date: ______________
____ Yes! Please rush me the programs I've selected below. I
understand there is no shipping or handling charge when
ordering stand-alone programs.
Stand-alone Program Name Qty Price Total
Calling Cards Program _____ $15 _________
Charge Card Program _____ $15 _________
Checking Program _____ $15 _________
Private Library Program _____ $15 _________
Public Library Program _____ $15 _________
Read More Program _____ $15 _________
Records of the Realm Program _____ $15 _________
Savings Program _____ $15 _________
____ I'd like to save $70! Please rush me the entire My Little
Realm system for only $50 (includes S/H).
My Little Realm/the system _______ at $50/system _________
Subtotal _________
New Jersey residents please add 6% sales tax _________
Total amount of purchase _________
Indicate disk size: _____ 5 1/4" _____ 3 1/2"
Disks are double density.
Send your check or money order to:
John L. Salisbury
22 Church Street #103, Suite 376
Ramsey, New Jersey 07446
Checks and money orders must be drawn on U.S. banks in U.S. funds.
Sorry, phone orders cannot be accepted. Prices subject to change.